Aula Magna SUPSI, Via Trevano – Canobbio (Lugano)
Lezione spettacolo Shi Xing Mi

Un viaggio di un’ora da oriente ad occidente , dal fascino de gli antichi saperi alla moderna efficacia delle regole Shaoness per affrontare il cambiamento ed evolvere in modo dinamico, armonico, positivo e performante, massimizzando il potenziale sia a livello personale sia lavorativo .


Walter Gjergja, nome monastico Shi Xing Mi, è il primo Maestro Shaolin della 32esima generazione nato in occidente.

In parallelo al suo lungo percorso di studio della cultura Shaolin, iniziato a 13 anni, e poi proseguito in Cina presso il monastero Shaolin, Walter ha anche completato gli studi universitari in ambito economico . Al culmine di una rapidissima carriera nella consulenza strategica e top management, in cui ha rivestito la carica di CEO di un’importante azienda quotata su listini Asiatici e Australiani, all’età di trent’anni Walter ha coraggiosamente deciso di prendere i voti come Maestro Shaolin e di abbandonare la carriera intrapresa con grande successo, per dedicarsi alla condivisione del suo particolare mix di competenze filosofiche ed esperienze pratiche, declinando la millenaria saggezza Shaolin in modo applicabile e fruibile nella quotidianità moderna, personale e organizzativa.

Ormai da più di un decennio insegna in tutto il mondo, presso varie istituzioni culturali e aziende leader in molteplici settori, pubblicando libri e articoli (Press) che spaziano dal benessere individuale alla performance applicata a diversi ambiti come quello aziendale e sportivo. Inoltre è stato il keynote di numerose fra le più importanti conferenze europee (fra le quali tre TEDx) e protagonista di alcuni documentari e reportage (BBC, Discovery, C CTV, Disney XD, Italia1).

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  • "Excellent seminar! The integration of Shaolin concepts has managed to achieve a very high level of openness in confronting new issues. So we were able to start a major change process with the management team, extremely successful. The whole effect was visible immediately after the seminar: the management team was extremely motivated and persistently enthusiastic."

    Dr Markus Walch, COO BMW Bank

    "It has been great to experience how much positive energy, strength and performance was liberated in everyone! I personally experienced an exceptional sustainability of motivation, discipline and joy."

    Erwin Bakker, CEO Publicis Germany

  • We collaborated with Master Walter (Shi Xing Mi) on several training events for directors and managers. Walter has conveyed his teachings very effectively, helping us make greater use of our potentials. We particularly appreciated his expertise and professionalism, above all his authority. The ability to grasp the essential elements and to transmit knowledge in a simple and enjoyable way makes participation more stimulating. His real added value is that his teachings are easily transferable in daily practice. Collaborating with him is always a pleasure and I can not recommend it enough.

    Rosy Croce - HR Director Migros

    "Our speech and then seminar has surprised and impressed me. The blend of conventional knowledge and a new view of things from the person of Shaolin Shi Xing Mi is totally unique. It has been clearly demonstrated where the strengths and weaknesses are in terms of team behaviors and the solutions which were very convincing for me. I highly recommend this type of content."

    Dr Walter Ortner, Chairman of Central Works and Chairman of Supervisory Board, Siltronic AG

  • "This seminar has strongly promoted cooperation in our team, the desired result was achieved completely. I have high confidence in your work and Shaolin opens your eyes to new, effective approaches to change and to leadership."

    Karl Martin Brahm, Executive Director DWP Bank